A personal anecdote demonstrating how age is merely a number and how embracing failure can unexpectedly lead to success, inspired by the author's experience with their family's first color TV and remote control.

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A personal anecdote demonstrating how age is merely a number and how embracing failure can unexpectedly lead to success, inspired by the author's experience with their family's first color TV and remote control.

Have you ever felt baffled by someone effortlessly mastering a skill you struggled to understand?

Instead of feeling defeated, there's another way to approach challenges.

When I was just 6 years old, my family got our first colour TV with a remote control. Being the only literate one in the house at the time, I took it upon myself to figure out how it worked by diligently reading the manual. I managed to grasp the basics like start, stop, and changing channels. However, when my 70-year-old grandpa came along and started pressing buttons without a care in the world, I was astounded. Despite not being able to read the manual, he swiftly became a pro at operating the remote. His secret? Pure curiosity and fearlessness in experimenting. This experience taught me two invaluable life lessons:

  • Age truly is just a number.
  • Failure can lead to unexpected success.

Continuing from the lessons learned from the simple yet profound interaction with my grandpa and the TV remote, it's clear that these insights have broader implications in our lives. As we navigate through different challenges, whether they're related to learning new technologies, understanding complex concepts, or even dealing with life's unpredictable nature, the approach of embracing curiosity and fearlessness in the face of failure can be transformative.

The Power of Curiosity

Curiosity drives us to explore, ask questions, and seek out new experiences. It is the fuel for lifelong learning and personal growth. When faced with a new challenge, adopting a curious mindset encourages us to look beyond the surface, to understand the 'why' and 'how' of things. This mindset was what my grandpa unconsciously adopted when he fearlessly explored the functionalities of the TV remote, leading him to master its use without formal instructions.

Fearlessness in Experimentation

Fear of failure often holds us back from trying new things or taking risks. However, if we never risk failure, we also miss out on the opportunity for success. Embracing a fearless approach to experimentation means accepting that failure is a part of the learning process—a stepping stone rather than a stumbling block. My grandpa's willingness to press any button on the remote, without fear of breaking it or doing something wrong, exemplifies this approach perfectly.

Applying These Lessons Beyond the Remote

The lessons learned from the TV remote are not just limited to understanding or mastering new gadgets. They apply to all areas of life. Whether it's pursuing a new career, starting a business, learning a new skill, or even navigating personal relationships, approaching challenges with curiosity and fearlessness can lead to unexpected successes and enriching experiences.

  • In Learning: Embrace the mindset of a beginner, ask questions, and be open to making mistakes. This approach not only accelerates the learning process but also makes it more enjoyable.

  • In Innovation: Don't be afraid to experiment and try new things. Breakthroughs often come from the willingness to venture into the unknown and learn from failures.

  • In Personal Growth: Use challenges as opportunities to grow and strengthen your character. Every challenge overcome is a step forward in your personal development journey.


The interaction with my grandpa and the TV remote, a seemingly mundane event, unveiled profound lessons about approaching life's challenges. By embodying curiosity and fearlessness, we can transform our experiences, learn more deeply, innovate, and grow. Let us all strive to apply these lessons in our daily lives, facing challenges with a sense of exploration and the courage to fail, knowing that each step, whether forward or backward, is a part of our journey toward success.

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